Which Desmoid Tumor Symptom Surprised You The Most?
How quickly they grow
The fortunate part is I’ve been told once I turn 45, the tumors seem to go dormant. Up until that point, I had gone thru chemo 5 times and numerous surgeries to remove the tumor as well as the organs that were affected. I turn 58 next month and have not had any new tumors or growth since my last tumor related surgery at the age of 44.
I found a surgeon in Denver who removed so much scar tissue that I lost two pant sizes. After recovering from that surgery, my life has been relatively pain free and my wife and I are enjoying doing things together for the first time in two years. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have found this doctor. This is the best I have felt in 20+ years and we are able to enjoy a full life again and are making plans for an Alaskan cruise next year
@A MyDesmoidTumorTeam Member - It’s really incredible how fast desmoid tumors can develop, right? That sudden growth can catch you off guard and feel overwhelming. It must have been quite a shock. How have you been managing since noticing the growth?
My Mother Is About To Start Ogsiveo For A Non-surgical Desmoid Tumor At The Top Of One Of Her Lungs. She Has Already Had Radiation.
My Balance Continues To Deteriorate, Could This Be A Result Of The Desmoid Tumor?
What’s Your Biggest Challenge In Managing A Desmoid Tumor? 🌱💪