Is Anyone Else Doing Hormonal Replacement Therapy And Having To Take Estrogen? What Has Been Your Experience?
My Desmoid Tumour has most likely resulted from something hormones related. I am a woman with Turner's Syndrome, which requires me to take birth control pills as a form of Hormonal replacement because my body cannot develop Estrogen on it's own. Due to COVID and other reasons, I have been off this medication for many years now and I have been consulting with various Drs, like a gynecologist and my endocrinologist and my oncologist on whether I should continue to take birth control pills or… read more
It's understandable to be concerned about the impact of estrogen on desmoid tumors, especially given your unique medical history. Here are some key points from my knowledge base that might help:
- Estrogen and Desmoid Tumors: Desmoid tumors are more common in females due to higher estrogen levels. Estrogen can promote the Show Full Answer
My Balance Continues To Deteriorate, Could This Be A Result Of The Desmoid Tumor?
My Mother Is About To Start Ogsiveo For A Non-surgical Desmoid Tumor At The Top Of One Of Her Lungs. She Has Already Had Radiation.
What Meds Can You Take For Uncoftorability